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When pests attack, we fight back

Crawling Insect - Spiders

Premium Spider Treatment Geelong

Do you have a problem with spiders invading your home or workplace? Your search gets over here. Pest Patrol Geelong provides professional Spider Pest Control services. Our experienced spider exterminators will leave no corner in your space untouched by spiders, thereby making you live in a pest-free zone. Find out why we are preferred exterminators for spiders.

Our techs are professionally trained and will diagnose and treat the issue with non-toxic, environmentally friendly products and materials so that pests stay out of your house. Our affordable home protection plans will give you a wide range of choices depending on your taste and budget.

Expert Spider Pest Control


In every part of Australia, spiders form a very typical pest. Households across Sydney and Perth are terrified by these pests; only very few are harmful among them. However, you never know what may be lurking out there and it is not something that you would want to deal with alone. Don’t forget, you have the best spider pest control experts by your side.

Spider treatment for houses focuses on treating breeding and harbouring areas. Specially trained technicians who know what they’re doing can treat a spider infestation and get rid of the nest. Therefore, it is necessary to spray spiders in a new home because some of them may come out from brickworks, while others have lived there since the days of house building.



Our Spider Extermination Services

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Comprehensive Inspection

Our skilled spider exterminators start with a detailed survey of the premises. Determining which particular species of spiders they are and how they usually build their nests is necessary before designing a proper plan of extermination.

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Strategic Treatment Plans

We then develop an appropriate treatment strategy that helps us kill the pest at its root for our findings. We aim to remove the current presence of spiders as well as eradicate factors that sustain these pests.


Safe and Effective Chemicals

In our efforts to eliminate spiders from your compound, we implement industry-accepted, secure, and effective chemicals. We employ very potent extermination techniques against spiders that are safe.

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Interior and Exterior Treatments

We employ a holistic strategy that entails applying them inside out. You can also choose an exterior treatment where we build a protective shield around your property to prevent new spiders from accessing it.

What Makes Us Stand Out for Spider Pest Elimination?

Experienced Spider Exterminators : Experienced and licensed exterminators make up our staff that understands spider’s habits and behaviour. They then utilize the information about the habits of termites and design specific and effective elimination schemes.


Quick Response Time

The promptness required in addressing a spider infestation is clear on our part. That’s why we try to respond fast and offer flexible schedules to address insect problems immediately.

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Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our priority. Our services are effective, we guarantee customer satisfaction. We will work with you until you are fully convinced that the problem has been solved.


Affordable Pricing

No hidden fees or surprises. Our prices are fair, as stated. The company’s reps do not beat about the bush when it comes to cost but provide quotations for any services that they have been contracted before actual treatment starts.

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Educational Resources

We have experts who offer educational support about spider treatment for houses and preventive measures to keep your surroundings free of any pests.

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Commonly Asked Questions

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amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit
What can be done about a house full of spiders?

It does not matter whether the spider is webbed, crawled or even deathly venomous – we cater to its needs, offering personalised treatment. Our certified pest technician will keep you and your family safe. Apart from enjoying your premises spared of unwanted spider webs, you will be indirectly breaking the breeding cycle that these pests engage in through mating.

Which spiders are dangerous and could kill you?

Among the most toxic spiders that exist in Australia are the Sydney Funnel-Web and the Redback. These spiders, however, have not killed anybody for about four decades now, ever since medical anti-venom injections became popular. Nevertheless, the funnel-webs are also not very gentle when they have their backs up against a wall – especially the males. If you find a redback or funnel web spider, keep your distance and call an exterminator of your local Pest Patrol Geelong.

Do I really need all spiders out of my house?

Not necessarily. Natural ecosystem requires spiders in its composition. Spiders are an added advantage in gardens where they feed on moths, flies, larvae and any other insect you do not like. However, you need to be careful of dangerous species of spiders.



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